TitelAgricultural Co-Operation in Friesland. The farm is the centre of agricultural co-operation.
Corporatieve auteur
Instituut voor Landbouwcoöperatie Leeuwarden
Materiaalmap: landbouwcoöperatie
TrefwoordenFriesland; Oranjewoud, Union of Co-operative Dairy Works Friesland, Frisian Co-operative Dairy-Export Association "Frico", Co-operative Dairy Bank, Co-operative Condensed Milk Works "Friesland", Co-operative Purchase of Agricultural Requisites, Frisian Co-operative Trading Association for Sowing Seed and Seed Potatoes (Z.P.C.), Frisian Co-operatiove Trading Association for Cattle and Meat, Co-operative Agricultrural Loan Banks, Co-operative Insurance Society, Co-operative Rennet and Clouring Factory, Co-operative Central Agricultural Bookkeeping Association, North Netherlands Co-operative Egg-Marketing Society, Frisian Union of Co-operatives for the Use of Agricultural and Horicultural Equipment, Association of Co-operative Grass Drying Establishments in The Netherlands(V.C.G.), Frisian Branch of the Netherlands Co-operative Wool Federation